We offer FREE or low cost community programs and classes that serve as an outlet for community talent.
From area artist exhibits to Monday night music, to a dinner and a show series, we have it all.
At RACC our mission is to serve and foster the art and culture of our in our community. Support our mission.
Awesome… went there with my granddaughter, she had a wonderful time. Thank you for providing special holiday fun.
Alice Ricard
November 1, 2023
Midnight Manager
June 1, 2023
Beautiful historic building with events as Concerts ,art shows, and dance lessons. Visit their website
Joan Serino
March 1, 2023
I was there for a photoshoot. They weren’t technically open, but they let us in to get some photos. First of all, the interior is extremely beautiful. Very well taken… read more care of. The property itself is absolutely gorgeous and they were so gracious. I can’t say enough about this place!
Tanya Smith
March 1, 2023
Had a music jam here last night with a guy that plays several stringed instruments at Irish Cultural Center in Utica…really an enjoyable night…had a bass fiddle there too!
Michael Yandle
March 1, 2023
To fellowships all greatest local artists caricaturists and true watercolorists : To the best and great memories of mr. W. Ralph Murray was my night watercolorist art teacher ,… read more I literally believed that a honor of his work keeping go everyday every time over the art world anywhere you love art best of piece truly generation family’s and dearies one each friends are known him fabulously. Therefore my name is Jose Luciano was deaf student from NYSSD means New York State School for the Deaf went to my old dorm and honor apartment I past years ago. I really enjoyed at watercolor painting classes every Thursday nights always I am attending all my entire life go ahead. Well, I can’t give up cos all my work do something else greatly appreciate that Ralph just told me that. “ Don’t sell all my work keeping such more etc… absolutely I’m talented and intelligent student he had even see this style almost getting him! Recently I’m in good positive bestest that true love when she’ll find me get me have me here for her everything gonna be fine.” How did Mr. Ralph knowing that admittedly to me? Wow ! I’m in art galleries, I’m owner DBA business , communist , art ambassador- a fact of everything is good too brief for me. Perhaps best new life is getting me free to go. Yes, firmly believes this to point overseeing, you never know unexpectedly however, I still really remember him said is : “ Keep happy paining, unplugging up and chinning up ! Big happy be smile always gently touching with my wife may still learning art drawing from me.” I just thankfully to him I never forget. Truly yours firmly sincerely appreciate your understanding with your own patient always , Jose Luciano
Jose Luciano
March 1, 2023
Why Creative Arts Classes? Because early learning experiences DO matter. Early childhood learning is one of the best investments you can make.
Artletics is an 8-week Summer Camp experience with a Rise-n-Shine club and After-camp program. Art Infusion is a fun creative arts based day camp during school vacation weeks
We host Exhibits through out the year featuring talented local artists. Each exhibit is started with an opening night with complimentary refreshments and a chance to meet the artists.
From birthday parties to intimate weddings The Carpenter House leads to one of a kind events and unforgettable memories!